The IMAA AGM was held via zoom on Thurs 20th Feb. With George Maybury having served his full term as President & under the IMAA constitution, he willingly handed the reins over to Ronan Gately of DSD who will now hold the role for the next 2 years. This proved to be a very popular choice from the members. We are grateful to the outgoing Committee for all their work over the past year & would also like to thank, Kathryn McDevitt, Leanne Wellings & Patrick Crossan who advised prior to the AGM that they would not be going forward. The full incoming Committee are; President, Ronan Gately, Sec. Lucy Moore, Treasurer George Maybury, Intl. Sec. Pat O’Grady, PRO Anne Gormley, Records Officer, Ronan Gately, Committee, Avril Dillon, Anne Maguire, Geraldine Finegan, Sean McMullin, Sean McDermott, Michael Cornyn & Michael Fennell. We look forward to more promising initiatives over the next 12 months.
A number of Master Athletes travelled over to the British Masters Champs in Lee Valley over the weekend & returned with a hefty haul of medals. Edel Maguire, won 3 Gold over 200m, 400m & High Jump. Joe Gough M70, 2 Gold 800m & 1500m plus Silver, 400m. Brian Boyce M45, Gold 200m & Silver 400m. Paschal Halley M55, Gold Triple Jump & Silver Long Jump, Rob Bruce Brand M55, Gold in 400m. David Kissane M70 Gold 3k Race-walk. Rachel Murphy W40, Silver 800m. Lea Fulcher - Silver in 800m & Bronze in 1500m, David Stewart M55 - Silver in High-Jump, Lucy Moore W65 - 2 Bronze in Triple Jump & Shot Putt. Leanne Wellings W50, Bronze 200m. Congratulations to all who travelled & competed. AAI Masters Indoor Champs will take place @ Athlone Indoor Arena on Sat 8th Mar, online entries currently open, but please note that entry fee will increase from Thurs 27th Feb & close on Sun 2nd March. Strictly no late entries after that. Please see for online entry & additional information. It is also hoped that JF Sports will be in attendance on the day, so if anyone wishes to check the site in advance please see the link below;
Ronan has managed to set up another 7 Teams to attack World Records in W55 4x800m and the following in 4x400m - M45, M80, W60, W65, W70 and W75, this coming Wed 26th Feb at Track and Field Live meeting in Abbottstown, so best wishes again to those who will make up the 7 Teams.
Finally, last reminder re pending seminar hosted by Lucy Moore on Fri next 28th Feb @ 7pm, courtesy of Weightlifting Ireland. This is an ideal opportunity to tune in & educate as to the pitfalls on any prescribed medication plus also, more crucially, what supplements should be avoided or are safe to use. We have had Testers attend at AAI Masters Indoor Champs over the past 2-3 years in Athlone, so it is vital that all Athletes are fully up to date with latest WADA rules. Remember, ignorance of the rules will not be a valid excuse. The onus is on you the Athlete, to be fully compliant if taking any medications & to obtain a TUE, if necessary. We would strongly recommend that as many as possible avail of this opportunity to tune in. Please email Lucy @ & she will be happy to forward on details in advance of the presentation.
Michael Fennell,
IMAA Committee